Wednesday, September 17, 2014


It's Wednesday. I'm angry at the stupidity of the world. How can people be so ready to blame engineering for setting requirements and complaining about recurring inspections without saying what is acceptable. We asked three weeks ago for them to figure it out. I'm done justifying the answer. Let them rot. 

I just want to follow the rules. Why am I pushed against my lots when no one else is?  We struggle to remove every inch of conservatism and ignore history and say we'll do better but fall flat on your face. 

Everyone makes rules but only tell certain people yet expect us all to follow them. Guess I should fire both barrels and put this crap out for everyone to see in my STRL assessment. Let's see how they answer this. 

Time to start getting shit moving. Hope we can merge our paths and not cause a rift in the delicate workspace I'm currently in.